The Listening Ear and the Watchful Eye is a brand new service designed solely to protect vulnerable people at your event or venue, from harm, Safeguarding and signposting those who may need help and support.
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Team Leadership Skills for Narcotics Board Officers in Ghana.
During February I had the privilege and pleasure of working with Narcotics Officers in Ghana. They were leaders of teams and made the most of 3 weeks of classroom time to discover their leadership style and create new ways of managing and leading their own teams. They focus on drugs enforcement, preventing importation and exportation, educating young people about the challenges and risks involved in taking drugs and work with offenders/users to help them break the cycle of addiction and crime. They experience shortage of resources, equipment and staff and yet they approach their work and the opportunity to be
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Linking Neuro Leadership and Mindfulness
I am struck by the obvious link between the Science of how the brain works in the context of being the best Leader you can be, whilst also being Mindful and all that goes with that. I have just come across this article about the 5 ways to nourish your brain. Being the best you can be as a Leader means you surely have to be Mindful and continually ‘Nourish’ yourself. this reminds me of Stephen Covey’s comment that Human Nature is four dimensional: Body, Mind, Heart and Spirit. Here is a simple 5 minute meditation exercise that you could
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